sabato 30 luglio 2016

C - 18 SUN.T.O.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - This parable describes the man who makes consist his own safety in the accumulation of goods . It is the opposite of the disciple whose safety is in the love of the Father and of the brothers.
    Our life is not in goods, but in the One who gives these to us.
    God's wisdom has foreseen that the satisfaction of needs that we have become means to fill the need that we are: communion with the Father who gives and the brothers with whom we share. This is the realm of children, our real treasure.
    If you don't accept your identity, you identify yourself with what you own.
    Instead of to serve yourself of the world as its lord , you serve it as your lord.
    To have more is the first clumsy attempt to save himself suggested by the fear of death.
    If you make depend your life by what you have, you destroy what you are.
    In fact the life is from the Father; for this you are the son and brother to all.
    If your life is from the things He isn't any longer
    your Father and your brothers are your antagonist. And the same things that before ,were "by" God "for" you, these change meaning : you are "from" them and "for" them and you sacrifice your life to what have to guarantee it.
    What you have and own, it gives you death if you consider it as aim rather than means.
    You are slave of it and however much you possess,you will never be full, because other is the bread that feeds you.
    For deception man has abandoned the "fountain of living water, to dig broken cisterns that hold no water" (Jer 2:13): he has placed as a principle of one's own life the fear of the death, rather than the ' love of the Father' of life.
    The fruits of the ground are God's blessing (Deuteronomy 28).
    Those who receive them as a gift are blessed themselves
    Those who take them for a possession, they cut them from their source and ithey are cursed.
    To receive them as a gift means to employ them remembering that they are from the Father and for all the brothers.
    This concrete love of the Father and of the brothers, which espresses oneself , respectively, in praise and in mercy,it is the whole law.
    Whenever Israel will be living with the master spirit, Israel will go into exile.
    The forgetting of the gift is the path of exile; the memory and converting the return date.
    Moses warns the people, warning him not to say never "is my" what will be given to the promised land (Deut 8.7 to 20).
    Who wants to own it is actually possessed by his possessions. It is no longer free, but a slave.
    As for Adam's staying in the garden it is tied to obedience to God, so for Israel to be the promised land is not tied specifically to seize dono.Dio ordered not to possess and not to accumulate, but to thank the gift and to share.
    Obedience to His Word brings into this rest (Promised Land), where you eat (you live), drink (you love) and we rejoice, because in meeting basic needs also meets the essential one: the Father's love and brothers!
    Possession is contrary to thank, and is against God; the accumulation is contrary to the sharing and is against men. The rich, pointing on having more, more and more island from others and s'ingabbia in his loneliness. Foolishness is consumed in the complacency of goods, making them his own life and safety. "Rest, eat, drink, enjoy" is the man's life program.
    The assets, in God's plan, would serve for this!
    But it is folly to believe to achieve it following the way of having more.
    Foolishness is that death is not avoided by the fear of what it suggested. In fact, the fear is a bad counselor, and throws himself into the arms of what you fear.
    The consciousness of showing me my deepest being death: my absolute solitude before Him, that can only be filled by Him, my rest, my food, my drink and my joy.


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