sabato 6 agosto 2016

C - 19 SUN.T.O.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - The disciples, even if they are "myriads of crowds" they remain always a flock with the character of littleness; because its Shepherd made Himself smallest of all. The Church will always be a small flock and will never have the pretension to become strong.
      So many sheep together will never make a wolf! The Father knows our real needs: to be what we are, that is, His children.
    This is the kingdom that Jesus has given to us.
    The one who treasures for himself , he loses one's life and he doesn't become rich in front of God.
    The real treasure is not what you have but what you give: this doesn't fail neither in death. Because the one who gives to the poor, he lends to God.
    This treasure mustn't be neither kept neither cured. It isn't the object of grief and of anguish, because no one subtracts it or destroys it to you.
    It is yours and it doesn't fail never to you : it is your likeness of son with the Father.

    The man becomes what he awaits. The one who waits for death, he becomes its son and he produces death. The one who does depend one's life by what he owns , he considers the death as a thief who steals everything. The one who makes depend one's life by what he owns, considers the death as a thief who steals everything.
    The one who is waiting for the Lord Jesus, he has his own life to the Father's Son.
    The time is full, filled with eternity.
    The time of the end remains unknown to us .
    But we know that it marks the encounter with "the Son of man" that comes , and we know that all life is a journey toward Him.
    The Christian life is waiting for the one who has to go back: the Bridegroom!
    The disciple does not have here his homeland.
    The house of his nostalgia is elsewhere.
    Stranger and pilgrim on earth, he hasn't a lasting city, but he looks for that future one
    (Heb 13:14), where He is the one whom he waits.
    The Luke's community is aware that the Lord will not come so many soon.

    The time of His return will be the night, the figure of personal death, advance of the cosmic night . But the time of waiting isn't empty.
    It's the time of salvation, in which the Church bears witness to his Lord all before the world .The history becomes the place of the decision and of the conversion, of the vigilance and of fidelity to the Word.
    Our vigilance is not to search into the darkness. It is to keep lighted before the world the light of the Lord, continuing His mission among the brothers.
    When we walk as He has walked, we lend our feet to His return.
    His eschatological coming is lived daily in the Eucharistic banquet.
    The condition in order to open to Him is to be "waiting" men, with "tied" sides and with "ardent lamps."

    They immediately open to Him because they wish Him.
    The believer stays awake in this night of the world.

    He stays awake because he knows that in this night something great happens: the Lord passes.

    It is His Easter. The Lord girds Himself to serve those who are girded: He serves His servants.To serve means to love.
     The night is ample as our life, with its difficulties. And the world knows many nigthts
    The Eucharist makes us ables to lead a bright and Easter life, until the rising of the sun.
    The kingdom comes when the believer lives the Eucharist.

    Source and summit of all Christian life, This shows in the present the past and the future time of Jesus: the Dead and Risen Lord becomes our food for to lead to us a life of Easter in waiting for His return.
    We all have received a great gift.
    The gift is fruitful as the love.
    If it remains unfruitful , is not received as a gift of love.
    The believer is called to take serious knowledge of his responsibility before God : he must witness how and with Jesus before the all world. So he will become what he is, son of the Most High, and takes possession of all the goods of his Lord.


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