sabato 13 agosto 2016

C - 20 SUN.T.O.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - The disciple lives in the light of God's judgment, the antidote of all hypocrisy.
    The judgment reveals itself in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus, Who baptizes us in the Spirit's fire after that He Himself has gone through the waters of the death. This is His eschatological coming, already happened on the cross, which judges the world in order to save it.
    In reality the definitive judgment of God on the world is the gift of His Spirit.
    It marks the beginning of the last times when the men are called to conversion and new life in Baptism .
    This fire, that Jesus ascended to to heavens, sents on the earth, it is very different from the one invoked by James and John on the Samaritans.
    It is the final result of His mission, the fulfillment of all God's plan.
    In the Eucharist, the disciple receives the Spirit. It is a fire that not even the waters of the underworld cannot it extinguish, it is the love of God for the man, which flows from the own death of the Son.
    The piece is characterized by the hurry
    In fact, His love for us is a fire that necessarily want ignite the one whom He loves.
    There is no love that doesn' t wish to be loved in return.
    Jesus came to bring a fire, which has to pass
    through the water.
    What He wants, this forces Him to going through what He doesn't want.
      The resurrection comes after the death. He Himself is parted between a desire and an anguish, up to drip blood. It is the fight, in which the love wins the extreme test.
    He himself, the Son, came to visit us from the Father in all our anguish, because we were free from it .
    The Messiah came to bring peace and unity among the men.
    But His peace comes through the division.
    The peace is not cheap, but to a high price, at the cost of the life.
    However, God makes all things new (Ap 21.3-5 ...).
    This division is required by the decision of the following of the Lord.


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