S. FAUSTI - The "little apocalypse" begun after the Words of Jesus: "Your faith has saved you," now it ends with his question about the faith. This passage answers to the question of the Church: "Why the Lord doesn't yet come?". For the faith lives of the desire to meet Him, and asks: "Maranà tha: Come, O Lord!" (1 Cor 16:22). Without Him the disciple is like the widow without the bridegroom. But He also seems insensitive to the insistence more importunate; He seems that only give up with difficulty and for not to be disturbed beside , like the unjust judge. In fact the Lord behaves like deaf, just because He wants that we call out to Him, wants hear our voice: "Let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet!" Says the Bridegroom to her who feels herself widow. (Song 2:14). The v. 1 is the explanations of the Evangelist: one must always pray. It follows the parable of the insistence heard, and then the application of Jesus: the fulfillment is secure, but we must have faith. If His coming is certain, one must in the meantime " bother Him". This is faith: an insistent request of His return, which keeps awake our desire for Him and preserves us from falling into radical temptation of not waiting Him any more. Salvation doesn't come because isn't invoked. The Savior delays to come just because He isn't desired. He is patient with us and He defers His return, just because we are indifferent to Him. For this we must pray without ceasing. The invocation: "Your kingdom come" (11.2) is the heart of the prayer that Jesus taught to us. The man cannot produce the Kingdom. It's gift of God ! He can only welcome it. He welcomes it only if he waits it.. he awaits it only if he wishes it. The man's prayer allows God to come, and to be welcomed. This apocalypse of Luke ends with the need of the prayer to not lose the faith in His retour. The prayer in fact opens our eyes on the kingdom, already had come in concealment and in suffering. Only at the end it will prove in glory. But it is already among us here and now, in the struggle for fidelity to the Lord. The prayer does not need to be answered to what it asks. The greatest gift that it gets is the very fact of praying, that is, to enter into communion with God. This is the result that it always carries with itself , exceeding every expectation.
S. FAUSTI - The "little apocalypse" begun after the Words of Jesus: "Your faith has saved you," now it ends with his question about the faith. This passage answers to the question of the Church:
RispondiElimina"Why the Lord doesn't yet come?". For the faith lives of the desire to meet Him, and asks: "Maranà tha: Come, O Lord!" (1 Cor 16:22). Without Him the disciple is like the widow without the bridegroom.
But He also seems insensitive to the insistence more importunate; He seems that only give up with difficulty and for not to be disturbed beside , like the unjust judge.
In fact the Lord behaves like deaf, just because He wants that we call out to Him, wants hear our voice: "Let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet!" Says the Bridegroom to her who feels herself widow. (Song 2:14).
The v. 1 is the explanations of the Evangelist: one must always pray.
It follows the parable of the insistence heard, and then the application of Jesus: the fulfillment is secure, but we must have faith.
If His coming is certain, one must in the meantime " bother Him".
This is faith: an insistent request of His return, which keeps awake our desire for Him and preserves us from falling into radical temptation of not waiting Him any more.
Salvation doesn't come because isn't invoked.
The Savior delays to come just because He isn't desired.
He is patient with us and He defers His return, just because we are indifferent to Him.
For this we must pray without ceasing.
The invocation: "Your kingdom come" (11.2) is the heart of the prayer that Jesus taught to us.
The man cannot produce the Kingdom. It's gift of God ! He can only welcome it.
He welcomes it only if he waits it.. he awaits it only if he wishes it.
The man's prayer allows God to come, and to be welcomed.
This apocalypse of Luke ends with the need of the prayer to not lose the faith in His retour.
The prayer in fact opens our eyes on the kingdom, already had come in concealment and in suffering.
Only at the end it will prove in glory.
But it is already among us here and now, in the
struggle for fidelity to the Lord.
The prayer does not need to be answered to what it asks.
The greatest gift that it gets is the very fact of praying, that is, to enter into communion with God.
This is the result that it always carries with itself , exceeding every expectation.