sabato 17 settembre 2016

C - 25 SUN.T.O.

1 commento:

  1. S. FAUSTI - The parable of the chapter 15 says what the One ,who is gracious to all the wretched and the wicked , does for us . This answers to the question. "What to do" we, called to become like Him?
    The answer is implicit in the two terms used to refer to God and to the man, respectively called the Lord and the administrator.
    But the man is an unjust administrator, because he made himself master of what is not of him.
    But now he is aware of God : he knows that He everything gives and forgives everything. Therefore he knows "what to do" also him. To forgive what basically is not his . The scene still takes place at that table where Jesus eats with the sinners. After to have revealed the Father's heart to "the righteous" who criticize Him, now He reveals to his disciples the proper use of the goods of the world.
    The one who knows the judgment of God in Jesus isn't longer as the owner foolish, who is mistaken
    in knowing "what to do".
    Illuminated by the wisdom of the Gospel, he is as the faithful and wise administrator associated with the glory of his Lord.
    The track center is the praise of the administrator, which flows as
    exhortation to act like him. The parable teaches us that material possessions are to be managed for what they are, according to their nature as a gift.
    Luke knows that what we have accumulated :it is the result of injustice; we not have did it exactly for pure love of God and of the neighbor.
    He also knows that we still live in a world that moves on the same track.
    In this situation, we are called to live with the opposite policy to that of selfishness.
    We understand "what to do": the goods are a gift of the Father to be shared between the brothers.
    This parable a little disconcerts readers and commentators. It seems obscure.
    In fact it is clear: the Lord praised the skillful administrator who began to donate, as He blamed the folly of the foolish master who continued to accumulate.
    The story is probablmente derived from a true story: a director, accused by his untenable excessive greed, he finds out convenient start a new relationship, that is of the gift. He needs to live when it's over his administration.
    Such cunning of one of the children of this world, reveals the true wisdom is lacking in the so-called children of light and illustrates the theme of mercy, dear to Luke: the one who forgives will be forgiven, to that who gives, to him will be given.
    We also know that love covers a great number of sins, because who gives to the poor, is lending to God Who will repay him the kindness done (Pr 19:17). For that "better it is to practice almsgiving than to hoard up gold". In fact "it saves from death and cleanses every kind of sin" (Tb 12,9).
    The Faith in God is played in fidelity in that which He has entrusted to us.
    There is a guile that makes putting the trust, instead that to the Creator, in the creatures.
    It 'a perversion of the means that makes the means an aim, and reduces us to serve them instead of its to make use to us..The true astuteness is of those who know that all there is, is a gift of God, and it is a means to enter into communion with the Father and with the brothers. Why he lives in thanksgiving and in a spirit of sharing .The failure of the man consists in loving what isn't the object of his heart.


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