venerdì 6 maggio 2016


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - The Ascension is narrated by Luke twice, respectively, as the conclusion of the Gospel and as the beginning of the Acts. It's the hinge between the time of Jesus and that of the Church, called, for the power of the Spirit, to relive it here and now in the witness and in the proclamation.
    It's at the same time the last appearance of the Risen : and his definitive way of being present until his return: He is the Living, the Invisible, who isn't any longer with us, but in us, his brothers.
    The Ascension is seen in the Gospel as the conclusion of the first of
    the two days in which Luke divides the history:
    the first starts from Adam who escapes from the Father
    and it ends with the Son of man who returns to the Father.
    It's the birth of the new Adam to the fullness of life.
    In the Acts the Ascension is seen as His separation from us, that live on the second day and, starting from Him, we follow His same path until His return, when God will be all in everyone.
    The narration is like a liturgy of glorification , like the solemn blessing of the high priest Simon when he finished fortifying the temple (Sir 50,20).
    The Ascension fulfils the endless day of Easter.
    The return of the Son to the Father is the full meaning of the Mystery of Easter, the culmination of the exodus and of the creation itself. The coming out from the ground, from the tomb, it ends with the entry into the heaven the creature reunites to his Creator.
    After the Ascension God has nothing else to say or to give. He has already said and gave everything in the Body of Jesus. There is only the continuous need to receive His Spirit, That just let us know and live Him.
    The Lord does not stray from His friends But His presence will not be
    physical, limited in space and in time , It will be spiritual , unlimited, anywhere, anytime.
    His absolute distance is in fact an absolute closeness.
    If before He was near us with His Body, Now He is inside us with His own Spirit.
    His Ascension - exaltation of His humanity to the dignity of the Son of God - is the assurance of blessing for each person.In Him we see the hope to which we have been called, the treasure of glory that encloses our heritage. (Ef 1,18).
    In Jesus ascending to heaven we know fully the mystery of the Son of man and of His Body.
    We know where He comes from because we see where He goes : from the Father of light, and He comes back to Him.
    Our life is no longer suspended in nothingness; it has found its beginning and its end.
    Jesus does not leave us orphans and homeless. Just with His being distant He shows us the Father and His home, where He has preceded us. But our homeland is in heaven, and
    our life is hidden with Christ in God. In Him also we are already risen, seated in heaven and glorified. (Fil.3,20).

  2. --->Where is our treasure is, there also is our heart, and where is our heart, we will be there too.
    The commandment of love is the way to achieve it.
    Now at last we know the One Who we are looking for and how to finding Him .
    The glorification of Jesus with his body is the realization of the deepest craving that the God of the life has placed in the human heart. To become like Him, overcoming the death. It is not a forbidden dream, but the gift that He wants to give to us.
    For it the disciples are filled with joy! The Lord ascended on high, He has made the greatest prodigies in our favor..
    He has  destroyed the slavery that separates us from the homeland of desire, winning our death and giving Himself as the sense of our life; He has distributed all His gifts, offering us His Holy Spirit and the chance to live His life.
    Now we are free, like Him and in Him we see who we are.
    Sons in the Son, made at last responsible and adults, we can witness and proclaim to our brothers the Father's love, continuing to do and teach until the end of the earth what He began to do and teach from Galilee to Jerusalem.
    "Blessed be God , Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ" (Eph 1,3).
    At the end of the Gospel, Jesus gives us His blessing.
    He bless us twice, continuously and forever.
    His blessing is a gift.
    He is s in fact the Son, perfect Word of the Father, Who we worship like Him in holiness and mercy.
    In Him we can finally praise God.
    We reach the aim for which we were created:
    We rejoice in the same joy of God, of the God Itself who is joy.
    We rejoice in Him as He rejoices in us.
    His glory fills the whole earth.


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