venerdì 29 aprile 2016


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - "If anyone love me, he will keep My Word"this is the refrain that, with variations, Jesus repeats to his disciples.
    To love Jesus, the Lord, is the center of Christianity, the fulfillment of the commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength" (Dt 6,5).
    Now the disciples are able to love him. They saw how He loves them with all His heart, with all His soul and with all His strength: He became their servant and He gave His life for them, even if they deny Him and betray Him.
    He is faithful to us and He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer 31.3).
    Our love for Him is answer to His own for us, that wants us to be like Him.
    To love Him means, in practice, to accept and to live His Word.
    Jesus in a few hours will offer his life for us.
    It's good for us that He leave. Just so He prepares the place to us and He opens to us the way of truth and life, so that we too can be where He is .(v 1.14).
    For this, together with the Father, sends us the Paraclete (v16).
    He doesn't leave us alone: ​​if we love Him, we take Him in the heart and He lives in us.
    This is His final return to us.
    With His leave , He starts the new presence, the new and eternal Alliance that the prophets have promised. The theme of the alliance is the background to the discourse of Jesus's farewell.
    Never explicitly mentioned it is described through its characteristics: love and observance of the Word, presence and mutual immanence , gift of the Spirit and of a new heart (Jer 31:31).
    These words of Jesus are difficult to explain, because they are simple like the water and the bread: the one who knows these ,enjoices them.. These communicate what constitutes any positive relationship between people: to love and to live the Word, to dwell and to see, to live and learn,to show and to speak, to remember and to teach peace and joy.

  2. -->The terms are linked together.
    Indeed the one who loves , observes the word of the beloved, he lives with / at / in him; then he sees him, he lives with him and meets him. The Word that manifests him, teached and remembered, is for him a source of peace and joy.
    To love is a matter of heart and of will, that wants what it sees and learns.
    Then loving becomes the highest form of knowledge and source of away new knowledge.
    The Love for Jesus let us coming into the New Alliance, establishing a relationship with God based on his Father's love, that the Son came to communicate to us.
    God is no more far away. He is "with" and "next to " us, even "inside" us through the Spirit, that fills us with his knowledge and transforme us in his home.

    The depart of Jesus is the glorification of the Son of man and of every son of man.
    The whole speech shows what is the fruit of the Love of Jesus: the communion with Him, the Son, makes us enter into a relationship with the Father and makes us live of their mutual love.
    First of all, they state that loving Jesus is keeping His Word, who gives us the Spirit of truth (15-18). even if He goes away, the one who loves Him ,sees Him, because he participates of His own life.
    The world does not have this knowledge because it does not love Him and doesn't know His Word.
    Ignoring the Son, it doesn't have the Spirit of truth Who introduce him to the Father.
    Everything Jesus has said when He was among us, it will be made understand to us and remember by the Spirit.
    Jesus does not abandon us, but He completes the sense of His coming among us.
    He leaves us His peace and His joy, the fruit of the Spirit of Love.
    Jesus predicted all, because we believe that His leaving is not a death, but a coming to us with His presence of Love that overcomes the evil and shows to the world Who is the Father.
    Jesus is the Lord who loves us to love Him is the command that makes us like Him.
    The Church was founded by Jesus' Love for her, which becomes his own love for Him.
    This is not a vague feeling, but the knowledge and practice of his Words.



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