venerdì 4 marzo 2016


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - This parable rightly called "the Gospel in the Gospel" is the culmination of Luke's message.It speaks of the festive banquet that the Father makes to rejoice of the dead and risen Son, lost
    and found. More than the "prodigal son" the "elder brother it's the parable of the Father.
    These reveals his unconditional love for the sinner son, his joy of being understood by him as a father and finally the invitation to right in order that he should recognize his brother. The parable invites us to be merciful as the Father.

    Otherwise they remain out side grumbling for the banquet that Jesus is celebrating with sinners. It is an invitation to the rights to eat the bread of the Kingdom.
    The conversion is not so much a psychological process of the sinner who comes back God, how much the change of the God's image that right man and sinner have to do.
    The conversion means todiscover His face of tenderness that Jesus reveals to us, turning from the ego to God, to pass from the disappointment of their sin – or from the presumption of their justice- to the joy of being children of the Father.
    The root of sin is the bad opinion about the Father, common to both the elder than to the younger
    The first one, to get rid of it, establishes the "pleasure" strategy, which led himself to get away from Him – with the shades of rebellion, of oblivion, of atheist alienation and of nihilism.
    The last one, for allure him to himself, establishes the "duty" strategy, with a serviledevotion that sacrifices the joy of living.
    Atheism and religion, debauchery and legalism, nihilism and victimhood are all aspects that come from one source: the lack of knowledge of God.
    They have an idea of ​​Him as a master-father.
    If He there was not, they should invented Him , to keep people slaves (Voltaire);

  2. ...If He there were, they should destroy Him, to free them (Bakunin).
    This parable has as the primary intention of bringing to the elder brother to accept that
    God is Mercy.
    The joyous discovery for the sinner , is a fatal defeat for the right.
    But only so he can get out from the damnation of a servile religion, and to pass like Paul, from the irreprehesiblenes in observance of the Law to the " the sublimity of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord” (Philippians 3.6 -8).
    It's the conversion from self-righteousness to God's mercy.
    The parable begins with "son" minor and ends with "brother" more, it has as its center the revelation of the Father, who loves hopelessly every lost son.
    It's an exhortation to elder son son because he could recognize the younger as the brother . Only thus he can recognize the Father and become like Him, Merciful.
    The actions of the parable consist: in the departure and the return of the child; in hospitality and feast of the Father, in the rejection of the elder son to come in
    and the exit of the Father Himself to comfort him.
    The refrain of Father "rejoice with me," becomesfestive banquet for his dead and risen again son.
    It's a necessity for the Father: "we should celebrate and rejoice"
    .The cardinal feelings are : the compassion of the Father for the younger and the elder son 's anger; the celebration and the joy of the Father, which will be full when all the children will have accepted the invitation.
    For now it is made in earth from the conviviality of Jesus with "all" the tax collectors and sinners.
    The younger son has no feelings: he have only needs.
    But at last he is overwhelmed by the joy of the Father.
    It remains outside only the elder son : not recognizing his brother, he rejects the Father who recognizes him as son.
    In fact, while the younger always calls him "Father" he never called Him so .
    He who in the story is called twelve times "Father" will be called so
    also from elder when he will say to other one "my brother".
    God recognizes as sons necessarily all of them, both righteous and sinners.
    Simply because He's Father!
    The right recognizes through clenched teeth the sinner as a child, but not as his brother!
    Then he 's the real sinner. He must recognize the other as a brother, identifying with him.
    Only so he rejoice of the love and the feast of the Father for his lost and found son.


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