sabato 6 febbraio 2016

C - 5 SUN.T.O.

2 commenti:

    • We have heard the Gospel. The crowd presses around Jesus to listen to his Word, up the point that Jesus has to take a boat because from the shore everyone could hear. Him
    • Everyone feels that it is resounding a different Word ,unlike than all our words.
    • Something that breaks into your ears and it makes his way into the deep layers of human interiority.
    • This causes interest, wonder, a kind of charm that touches the heart.
    • Ah, this has to always result in us like an awakening.
    • What have we done just now ?. The first reader , the two readers, myself, we have lent our voices to God who was speaking. That's just him.
    • The ours is being a simple loan. We again have heard God.
    • Isaiah in the first reading he keeps praying like we have heard, and somehow he comes into contact with the holiness of God and he says. "Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King.Yahweh Sabaoth!”
    • It's the experience that we have done now.. The eyes of our faith have met God, Jesus who is speaking, and is attracting.
    • My people, brothers, sisters, do we are making crowds around Jesus who speaks? When the' word ‘press’ means desire, interest. Otherwise as much that it goes well, to us , then we listen to the word of God as well, we are expecting the sermon hoping it's not so boring

    And then after 20 minutes everything is over and they gone home. These people that makes press around Jesus to listen to a word other and different, strikes me and I feel all my superficiality. Let's hear it together? . Let's hear it together. If then we wonder what Jesus is doing, the answer is simple . Jesus does the fisher of men. He always tries to fish us. Me and you, now, hoping that the fish-hook, the bait, draws off something.
    The sequel of the Gospel tries to explain how it can be done this delicate operation of Jesus that not always fishing us .However he throws the fish-hook .
    Then luckly he goes on throwing it.
    We have heard the Gospel Jesus while talking, he looks, sees.
    He sees some fishermen on the shore who are cleaning the nets. They were working . A view that those who go to seaside they see quite often.
    Maybe wihile they worked these fishermens also listened, and yet their fishing was failed.
    When life becomes difficult and tired without major successful without great openings, and one feels himself alone, yes, they listen the Word of God.
    , you listen to Jesus who is speaking, but in the heart there is a whole tangle, there are so many complications, there are all of our problems.
    At this point Jesus intends to resolve the situation and He makes it so in his way.
    He turns to Simon Peter with the apparently absurd invitation " You put out into deep water , Peter, you and your friends throw the nets for fishing." - Under the sun, Lord? Let's go back fishing under the sun? You will want to catch fishs in the extreme heat. Hey, Lord, you see that you aren't of the craft. You understand little. Instead we ...

  2. But Jesus has to break our schemes, our good reasons full of common sense and often empty of faith.
    Peter, however, let himself be convinced. Sir, I tell you, we worked hard all night and we taked nothing, But "on your word I will let down the nets." Not in my convictions, not what I think is right. At your word I will let down the nets. I trust you.
    Then the fishing is successful . What it was thought a human point of view ,impossible,it had become possible.
    Then here it resonates another Word of Jesus that we hear in the Gospel of John. " You look that without me you can do nothing".
    Peter at this point has the same reaction of Isaiah: "I am not worthy to be near to you, Lord, I am a sinner." I am a man of unclean lips.
    You see, the gift of love, the fishing as a gift succeeded,,it triggers the request for forgiveness.
    You look my friends, that the one who is not grateful, he will never be able to ask for forgiveness with sincerity.
    If you are unused to say thank you, never you will ask forgiveness, unless you are not obliged by the circumstances. Peter saw something of great, he has saw that the impossible for his schemes, it has become possible. - Lord, I am a poor sinner, ,go away from me -
    - And Jesus: "Peter, do not be afraid, from now , you will be like me, and with me, fisher of men."
    You look my friends, that he who is not grateful, he will never ask for forgiveness with sincerity.
    If you are unused to say thank you, never you ask forgiveness unless you are obliged by the circumstances. Peter has seen something great, he has seen that the impossible for his schemes has become possible. - Lord, I am a poor sinner, Depart from me -

    Follow him because with him the impossible can become possible. At least that they understood. Then they will struggle . And Jesus: "Peter, do not be afraid, from now you will be like me, and with me, fisher of men."
    And Peter with his friends, we it have heard, James and John, they leave everything and they follow Jesus.
    To follow him, but no matter. The impossible becomes possible through faith in Jesus. "At your word I will cast the nets." My schemes are what they are, my views are what they are, my convictions, my obsessions are what they are, but your Word, Lord, I will do differently. This is the faith.
    • We all become fishers of men. Then , how do they become fish of the men? Loving them and sacrificing for them.


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