venerdì 12 febbraio 2016


2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - After the Baptism, which corresponds to the passage on the Red Sea, Jesus runs over again in the desert the journey of the people of Israel; but while all the people fell down in the trial and died, He surpasses it definitively and He opens the entrance to the promised land, to the kingdom.
    In addition to this allusion to Israel, you can do a comparison to Adam, "son of God" disobedient, that after the trial and the fall , from paradise he drove in the desert, He, the new Adam, starting from the desert, He wins the trial and brings again in Paradise, the lost man .
    The temptations, modulated on those of Israel, they are historically to be connected with Baptism. This constitutes the fundamental choice of Christ. The solidarity with the brothers, in obedience to the Father.
    The temptations exibit the costs of that choice, in the form of fight against the contrary choice.
    This, obvious and common to everyone, it consists in is seeking the power of any kind, for a good purpose.
    But this is contrary to the solidarity with our brothers then it's disobedience to the Father!

  2. --->This text shows us how much we sin for a good purpose; this shows us it to convert us and to justify us.
    The discernment is not a genre that abounds on the market.
     So many times, for Christ's love , we make choises contrary to his ones .
    The choice of life for whole life costs, so we are always exposed to fall and we fall often.
    The temptations are not to be relegated only at the beginning of Jesus' ministry.
    It was all temptation and fight until the end.
    There are two opposite ways to be a child, one devilish and one divine.
    The first consists in wanting to possess oneself, others and the Other, in putting hands on his one's life and on that of others, the second in receiving everything as a gift from the Father and in giving it like Him, in putting its life in the hands of the others.
    The one creates a system of violence and deat the other one of love and life.
    The same temptations in that Israel has fallen, instead of inescapable place of perdition, they turn into a promise of salvation, on account of of Him who them has won .
    That enemy, who was at work at the time of Israel,it is at work even now in the life of the Church.
    But his dominion over the man has been won and broked by Jesus.
    In Him, the believer passes through the breach and he enters in the today of salvation.
    Jesus who has won, he wins again "today" in the faith of the disciple who listens Him to be saved.
    The temptations constitute the tissue of the Christian daily life. They are the necessary struggle against the evil and the costs themselves of good.
    They have a positive value. They are a sign that we are in the world but not of the world, and we belong to Christ the Lord.
    The devil who tempts man has initially only one power: to steal to him the Word, so that he does not obey to God. This is exactey what he trys to do even with Jesus.


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