FAUSTI - This narration shows us "where the Lord and His Glory dwells". In joy and love, not in the enclosure of the temple, reduced to a religious supermarket. This initial scene, like that of the Baptism in the Synoptics, immediately wants to help us to understand that God is scandalously different from what we think. The first "sign" of the Son of God consists in adding more than 600 litres of wine to a banquet! What would the Baptist, the desert ascetic, have said? With all the problems of hunger that there are in the world, alcoholism aside, he couldn't do something more useful and less useless? Also, why to give wine and joy , instead of preaching abstinence and commitment?The third day is in the Gospels that of the Resurrection, of the definitive intervention of God. The wedding is the most beautiful image of the Alliance between God and His people, in a Love stronger than any infidelity and than death itself. Cana recalls qanàh (to acquire), allusion to the people that God has acquired for Himself. The Mother "was there". like the six hydrias of stone, made to contain that water that will become beautiful wine. She is called mother by the narrator and "woman" by Jesus. "Mother" indicates the relationship with the Son, to whom she gives her life, "woman" (bride) the relationship with the Bridegroom, from whose corresponded comes out Son's life. Cana recalls qanàh (to acquire), an allusion to the people that God has acquired. Mary, being a mother, represents the people of God, from whose flesh comes the Messiah, as the bride she is the daughter of Zion, who loves and awaits the Bridegroom, the Lord. Because of her solicitude, the wedding feast finds its fullness instead of disappearing. It is important to invite the Lord to our feast. Otherwise, there is not the One who, as invited, makes Himself, with delicacy and discretion, the host, giving us "the beautiful wine". "Six stone water jars of stone were there" the details are not superfluous. They are respectively a recalling to the creation of man, accomplished on the sixth day, to the law written on stone plates and to the rites that it prescribes. Even the jars are there, as the Mother of Jesus. They recall the Baptism of the Baptist, who came to baptize so that the One upon whom the Spirit descends and dwells , would be revealed: Jesus did not come to abolish, but to fulfill the Old Covenant (Mt 5:17) which requires the observance of the law. This, in turn, is recapitulated in the 613 precepts. The Word pervades every time and forms the very structure of man, in his very heart. But the Law is fully fulfilled only by love (Rom 13:10). The jars, as we know now, were empty. Empty as the expectation that didn't meet the Expected, as the command of love that is not accomplished, as the covenant broken by the sin, as the bride without the groom. The same law can be observed in all prescriptions, as the older brother does, but with resentment and anger, without love and without even suspecting that God is joy and celebration, symphony and dance. Jesus orders us to fill our jars with water: the waiting of Israel in this way is filled with the waiting of every man.In it all creation opens up to its future, to the wine of the seventh day which the Son of Man offers in abundance. The master of the table represents Israel and its masters, experts of the promise, who are surprised to find the goodness of the wine that the servants have drawn from it. The master of the table, like the Jews, ignores " from where" the beautiful wine comes. It is like the Spirit, like Jesus Himself, who no one knows where He comes from and where He goes (3:8). Those who have taken water know that everything comes from having obeyed Jesus, following the words of Mary.
-->"Every man first serves the beautiful wine" This happens in the world. Everything at the beginning is beautiful, filled with life and love. Then everything ages and decays. The wine becomes more and more poor, it fails and the feast is concluded. Lucky who is stunned enough not to notice more than much! It is not by chance that the commercials present only young people: rather than products they sell the hope of reviving the past, for which one is disposed to pay any price. "Instead, you have kept the beautiful wine until now." Creation is not a decay of the sixth day: it is a journey towards the feast of the seventh. The wedding gift is not only the first, but the beginning of the signs. All the others flow like a stream from this source: Jesus re-establishes the covenant and finally man obtains, thanks to Him, the "beautiful wine". At Cana, the promise made to the disciples that they would see "much greater things" than what they had supposed , is fulfilled: they see the Glory of the Son of Man, who is that of the Only Begotten of the Father, from Whom we now draw, in fullness, grace upon grace. (1,14-16). All the signs serve to adhere to Jesus, the source of life. Faith in Him is the aim of all God's work.
M. T. BELLO - Holy Mary, Woman of New Wine, how many times do we not experience that the banquet of life is languishing and joy disappears from the faces of the guests! It is the wine of the feast that is lacking. On the table there is everything: but, without the juice of the vine, we have lost the wish for bread that tastes like wheat. We chew with annoyance the products of wealth: together with the greed of the wealthy and with the anger of who is not hungry. The meals of our kitchen have lost their old tastes: also the exotic fruit has no attraction for us. You know very well what the cause of this is; Our senses are not what they used to be. We have no more wine. The smell of the wine does not attract us any longer. The old cellars do not ferment any more. The empty wineskins contain only vinegar. Have compassion on us, and grant us once more the taste for things. Only in this way will the jars of our existence will be filled to the brim with good wine. The taste for living and for making live will finally satisfy us.
Holy mary, Woman of new wine, so impatient for change who in Cana of Galilee provoked before the time the greatest episode of all times, obliging Jesus to give proof of Easter. You are for us the symbol of youth, because it is proper to youth to perceive those things that are no more useful, and to bring about renewals that are obtained solely by overthrowing the old, and not by restoring in the laboratory. Free us, we beg you, from easy satisfaction, from small conversions that are not costly, from comfortable patches. Preserve us from the false security of the fence, from the annoyance of repetitive rituals
FAUSTI - This narration shows us "where the Lord and His Glory dwells".
RispondiEliminaIn joy and love, not in the enclosure of the temple, reduced to a religious supermarket.
This initial scene, like that of the Baptism in the Synoptics, immediately wants to help us to understand that God is scandalously different from what we think.
The first "sign" of the Son of God consists in adding more than 600 litres of wine to a banquet! What would the Baptist, the desert ascetic, have said? With all the problems of hunger that there are in the world, alcoholism aside, he couldn't do something more useful and less useless?
Also, why to give wine and joy , instead of preaching abstinence and commitment?The third day is in the Gospels that of the Resurrection, of the definitive intervention of God. The wedding is the most beautiful image of the Alliance between God and His people, in a Love stronger than any infidelity and than death itself. Cana recalls qanàh (to acquire), allusion to the people that God has acquired for Himself.
The Mother "was there". like the six hydrias of stone, made to contain that water that will become beautiful wine. She is called mother by the narrator and "woman" by Jesus. "Mother" indicates the relationship with the Son, to whom she gives her life, "woman" (bride) the relationship with the Bridegroom, from whose corresponded comes out Son's life.
Cana recalls qanàh (to acquire), an allusion to the people that God has acquired.
Mary, being a mother, represents the people of God, from whose flesh comes the Messiah, as the bride she is the daughter of Zion, who loves and awaits the Bridegroom, the Lord.
Because of her solicitude, the wedding feast finds its fullness instead of disappearing.
It is important to invite the Lord to our feast.
Otherwise, there is not the One who, as invited, makes Himself, with delicacy and discretion, the host, giving us "the beautiful wine".
"Six stone water jars of stone were there" the details are not superfluous. They are respectively a recalling to the creation of man, accomplished on the sixth day, to the law written on stone plates and to the rites that it prescribes.
Even the jars are there, as the Mother of Jesus.
They recall the Baptism of the Baptist, who came to baptize so that the One upon whom the Spirit descends and dwells , would be revealed: Jesus did not come to abolish, but to fulfill the Old Covenant (Mt 5:17) which requires the observance of the law. This, in turn, is recapitulated in the 613 precepts.
The Word pervades every time and forms the very structure of man, in his very heart.
But the Law is fully fulfilled only by love (Rom 13:10).
The jars, as we know now, were empty. Empty as the expectation that didn't meet the Expected, as the command of love that is not accomplished, as the covenant broken by the sin, as the bride without the groom.
The same law can be observed in all prescriptions, as the older brother does, but with resentment and anger, without love and without even suspecting that God is joy and celebration, symphony and dance.
Jesus orders us to fill our jars with water: the waiting of Israel in this way is filled with the waiting of every man.In it all creation opens up to its future, to the wine of the seventh day which the Son of Man offers in abundance. The master of the table represents Israel and its masters, experts of the promise, who are surprised to find the goodness of the wine that the servants have drawn from it.
The master of the table, like the Jews, ignores " from where" the beautiful wine comes. It is like the Spirit, like Jesus Himself, who no one knows where He comes from and where He goes (3:8).
Those who have taken water know that everything comes from having obeyed Jesus, following the words of Mary.
-->"Every man first serves the beautiful wine" This happens in the world. Everything at the beginning is beautiful, filled with life and love. Then everything ages and decays. The wine becomes more and more poor, it fails and the feast is concluded.
RispondiEliminaLucky who is stunned enough not to notice more than much! It is not by chance that the commercials present only young people: rather than products they sell the hope of reviving the past, for which one is disposed to pay any price.
"Instead, you have kept the beautiful wine until now."
Creation is not a decay of the sixth day: it is a journey towards the feast of the seventh.
The wedding gift is not only the first, but the beginning of the signs. All the others flow like a stream from this source: Jesus re-establishes the covenant and finally man obtains, thanks to Him, the "beautiful wine".
At Cana, the promise made to the disciples that they would see "much greater things" than what they had supposed , is fulfilled: they see the Glory of the Son of Man, who is that of the Only Begotten of the Father, from Whom we now draw, in fullness, grace upon grace. (1,14-16).
All the signs serve to adhere to Jesus, the source of life.
Faith in Him is the aim of all God's work.
M. T. BELLO - Holy Mary,
RispondiEliminaWoman of New Wine,
how many times do we not experience
that the banquet of life is languishing
and joy disappears from the faces of the guests!
It is the wine of the feast that is lacking.
On the table there is everything:
but, without the juice of the vine, we have lost
the wish for bread that tastes like wheat.
We chew with annoyance the products of wealth:
together with the greed of the wealthy
and with the anger of who is not hungry.
The meals of our kitchen
have lost their old tastes:
also the exotic fruit has no attraction for us.
You know very well
what the cause of this is;
Our senses are not what they used to be.
We have no more wine.
The smell of the wine
does not attract us any longer.
The old cellars do not ferment any more.
The empty wineskins contain only vinegar.
Have compassion on us,
and grant us once more the taste for things.
Only in this way will the jars of our existence will
be filled to the brim with good wine.
The taste for living and for making live
will finally satisfy us.
Holy mary,
Woman of new wine,
so impatient for change
who in Cana of Galilee provoked before the time
the greatest episode of all times,
obliging Jesus
to give proof of Easter.
You are for us the symbol of youth,
because it is proper to youth
to perceive those things that are no more useful,
and to bring about renewals that are obtained solely
by overthrowing the old,
and not by restoring in the laboratory.
Free us, we beg you, from easy satisfaction,
from small conversions that are not costly,
from comfortable patches.
Preserve us from the false security of the fence,
from the annoyance of repetitive rituals