venerdì 10 giugno 2016

C - 11 SUN.T.O.

2 commenti:

  1. S. FAUSTI - Here Luke expresses precisely what is the Christian faith. It is the love that this woman has for Jesus, to understand in the light of the First Commandment (Dt 6,5). Such love is cause and effect together of forgiveness: as forgiven, she loves as reply to forgiveness, and, as she loves, as she is open to receive the forgiveness that is the greatest form of love.
    Love and forgiveness feed each other,on in a continuous circularity.
    The acts of this woman are the full expression of faith in the forgiveness of Jesus, the delicate and inspiring reply of love that accepts to be loved.
    This woman welcomes the “cháris “of God: she lets herself make grace and she expresses her thank, the Amen of the faith. The fact takes place in the house of the righteous, in which it rushes a sinner.
    One daugther of the "children of wisdom" does justice to God, acknowledging her own sin and His mercy. She comes by strength in the house of one of those who, living in the presumption of their own righteousness, they make vain God's plan.
    She accepts the mourning and the weeping of the Baptist and enters into the joy of the flute and of the dance of Jesus, the bridegroom; the others, instead, remain watching with disappointment.
    In the house of the Law, where He was expected and invited, Jesus lays the table for the wedding banquet for the untimely and unwanted sinner.
    On one hand the crouching woman ,who receives the plenty of Jesus's love , she impregnates herself of this and it overflows from her and she pours it upon Him;
    on the other hand the self-sufficient and self-controlled pharisee, who knows only the merit, ignores the debt and the love that condones it.
    He can not participate in the dance of the love if previously he doesn't participate to the weeping of his sin.
    The story wants persuade him of “prostitution sin ", because he wants deserve God's love .
    The Love indeed is free – the sinner understands it well in the forgiveness and to deserve it is called "prostitution". For this sin there isn't any forgiveness.
    From it they could save only with the conversion. In fact, it can not be forgiven until this not is recognized as a sin.

  2. --->The deeper conversion is simple to recognize ourselves as sinners and to accept the gratuitous love, which forgives.
    Jesus here confirms to be that God Whom He has revealed: a God Who loves and gives grace to everyone, pagans / enemies, little ones and sinners.
    Here it ends the sketch of the journey of faith for every man who has not seen Jesus.
    He who believes in the power of his Word, wins the death, because God has visited His people as He had promised to Israel. This promise is open to all those who welcome it in the invitation to the conversion of the Baptist, and in the gift of the grace by Jesus. .On the contrary , the wedding banquet in the house of the law it is not offered to the righteous, but to those that need forgiveness, then to everyone because we all are lawbreakers.
    This woman is a figure of the true people that recognize itself as a sinner and needy of forgiveness.
    She undesired enters in the house of the righteous, while he remains extraneous to what happens in his own home. He's 'the man of the law that invites Jesus, but it is the sinner the one who welcomes and loves Him, because he feels himself accepted and forgiven.
    This woman is the first that realizes what should be done to inherit the eternal life: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind." She is no longer sinful and adulterous, trespasser of the law: she enters and lives in this law of love which is God Himself, the bridegroom, because she has received the grace and the forgiveness.
    The meaning of the story is not to absolve the sinner and to condemn the right,but it unmasks to the righteous his sin of prostitution .
    The love is always and only a gift.
    This is fully revealed in the forgiveness.
    . The Pharisee is called to recognize himself in the sinner to participate in the celebration of love of God, Father and bridegroom.
    In the house of the Pharisee - as the Church can easily become - the coming of the prostitute at the table shows to the righteous his deep sin, that of not being able to love. He ,identifying with her, he can experience the forgiveness and, like her, he can respond to the received love .
    Woman-home-table-tears-hair-kiss-scent: they are all terms expressing welcome and life .
    This life, received by the sinner in the forgiveness, it is offered to everyone.
    Only the one who is excluded it is the rigtheous , who doesn't love because he feel loved because of fear he locks himself in his sufficienty of low profile .
    Love for Jesus is Christianity, the faith that becomes life.
    This love is just of the forgiven sinner. The sin does not destroy the salvation.
    On the contrary, in the forgiveness it is motive of a greater love,of a greater salvation. So our sin do not exclude us from the Kingdom, but it is the reason why we love more . Just our evil, not our own good, it makes us share more deeply the mystery of God who is Love.


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